Sports aviation/gliding center 2 km.
Hunting Cottage of Marchall Mannerheim (=Marskin maja) 10 km. Liesjarvi and Saari National Parks (both 20 km)
Fishing equipments on your use - and local license has been paid. Also a separate Salmon Fishing Pond (15 km distance).
Very shallow sandy shore. Safe for small children as well. Rowing boat included.We rent separately a small electric engine (20 EUR/2 days - or 30 EUR/week).
Three bikes available + several bikes for kids + helmets. And during winter time several "traditional Finnish sledges. Situated on a Bicycle Parking (beside cottage nr 73). 50 meter from this cottage. You may take and use free of charge - and return after usage. And two trampolines.
1. Kalpalinna: 47 km (direction north-east, in Janakkala municipality)
2. Serena: 76 km direction south/Helsinki ( - also in Russian language - this is interesting: small slopes but Spa included)
Every Mans Golf Cource (6 routes, par 3) 9 km: meant for practise and to start up. Membership not necessary.
If you want to try open air swimming (in a hole on ice), you can do so at the Large Sauna next to the local airport (lentokeskus) motel (on the shore of Lake Vääriä). Mixed sauna/swimsuit. Winter swimming Räyskälä Ilmailukeskus ( October - March on Wednesdays at 17:00 - 21:00 hrs and Sundays at 16:00 - 20:00 hours. One-time fee 11€/person. The sauna is 1.5 km from the cottage.